1. The concept of Industrial Property and its institutes.

2. The validity of the patent. Termination of the patent.

3. Protection rights to geographical indications.

4. The origin, formation and development of industrial property rights.

5. The patent rights and patent obligations.

6. Features of industrial property rights to geographical indications.

7. Theories of industrial property rights and their importance at the present time.

8. Industrial design as an object of legal protection.

9. The concept, structure and types of domain names.

10. Pproprietary concept.

11. Trademarks and industrial designs.

12. Сybersquatting and protection from cybersquatting.

13. Theory of exclusive rights.

14. Protection of rights on industrial designs in the courts.

15. The concept of scientific discovery.

16. Elements of the system of industrial property rights.

17. The system of types of individualization.

18. The object of scientific discovery. Scientific discovery and invention.

19. Subjects of industrial property rights.

20. The concept of the commercial (trade) name.

21. The concept and types of contracts in the area of intellectual property rights.

22. The content of subjective rights to the results of scientific and technical creativity.

23. The structure of the commercial (trade) name.

24. Features of contracts on intellectual property rights.

25. Moral rights of industrial property.

26. The content of rights to commercial names.

27. The state registration of agreements on intellectual property.

28. Property rights of industrial property.

29. Subjects of commercial name.

30. License and license agreement.

31. The validity of industrial property rights.

32. Concept and types of trademarks.

33. Types of license.

34. Features of judicial protection of industrial property rights.

35. Conditions of legal protection trademarks.

36. Conditions of the license agreement.

37. National legislation of industrial property

38. The legal regime of well-known trademarks.

39. The term of the license agreement.

40. International protection of industrial property.

41. Subjects of trade marks.

42. Sublicense.

43. Paris Convention of the Protection of Industrial Property.

44. Registration of trade mark.

45. Transfer agreement of intellectual property rights.

46. Patent Cooperation Treaty.

47. Application on a certificate for goods and services and its elements.

48. Form of intellectual property contracts.

49. Madrid Agreement for Registration of Trade marks.

50. The rights and obligations of owner a trade mark.

51. The concept and the main features of a commercial concession.

52. World Intellectual Property Organization and its functions.

53. The right of prior user to trademark.

54. The parties of commercial concession.

55. Agreement TRIPS.

56. Termination and invalidation of legal protection of trademark.

57. The rights and obligations of parties in the commercial concession.

58. The invention, utility model, industrial design - as an objects of patent rights.

59. Registration of a trademark under the Madrid procedures.

60. The concept and rights to rationalization proposition.

61. The rights to inventions, utility models and industrial designs.

62. Registration of trademarks in foreign countries.

63. Conditions of protection the rights to new varieties of plants and new breeds of animals.

64. The terms of legal protection of an invention, utility model and industrial design.

65. The concept of a geographical indication.

66. Legal protection the rights to new varieties of plants and new breeds of animals.

67. Subjects of Industrial Property (inventors, authors of industrial designs, their successors, employers).

68. Trademarks and geographical indications.

69. The intellectual property rights to topography of integrated circuits (microchips).

70. The right to file an application.

71. Legal protection of geographical indications.

72. The concept and legal protection of trade secrets.

73. The patent procedures.

74. The procedure for registration of geographical indications in Ukraine.

75. Trade secrets and know-how.